Android Zero-Touch Enrollment

Android Zero-Touch Enrollment

Follow these steps when you receive a company-provided Android device or if you have reset your company-provided Android device to factory settings. This process will take approximately 5-10 minutes and will vary based on manufacturer, activation status, and pending updates.


  1. Power on the device, you will be shown a welcome screen.

  2. Tap Start to begin

  3. Read and agree to any terms and conditions

  4. Review, customize, and agree any permissions requests

  5. Wait for device to activate or connect to wireless

  6. Wait for device to check for updates

  7. Your device will inform you that it belongs to the organization. Tap Next.

  8. Read the information to setup a work profile and tap Agree.

  9. Wait for work profile creation. Work profile apps are differentiated with a briefcase icon.

  10. Sign in with your personal Google account or tap Skip.

  11. Review Google services and tap Accept.

  12. Choose a Lock Screen security option

  13. On the Chrome terms and services screen, tap Accept & continue

  14. On the Microsoft sign-in screen, enter your username and tap Next.

  15. Sign in with your Okta credentials

  16. When prompted, tap Please click here to continue…

  17. Under your work checklist, tap Register your device.

  18. On the Intune screen tap Sign-in

  19. If prompted to sign in to Microsoft Authentication Broker tap Continue

  20. Tap Register, then Continue, and Done.

  21. Your device should display the Home Screen indicating the process is complete.

These instructions may vary slightly depending on the device manufacturer.

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